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Self Care is Not Selfish

March 25th, 2019


“Taking care of myself doesn’t mean ‘me, first.’ It means ‘me, too.’”

- L.R. Knost

Caring for Yourself is Important

Self-care seems to be a trending topic. Put on a face mask and feel better, take a hot bath and solve all of your problems, meditate and reach enlightenment! Those examples may sound silly, but some of the recent articles I’ve come across talk about self-care like it’s the ultimate life hack.

Self-care is crucial, but it is not the answer to all of our problems. Self-care is certainly an important tool for us to keep in our back pocket as we go throughout life, but you need all of the tools in the toolbox to live well. Self-care, paired with things such as, a strong support system, a steady job and/or education, and a happy/healthy living space, are some of the things that will elevate the results of self-care.

Self-Care Defined

So what is the definition of “self-care?” According to the Oxford Dictionary, self-care is “the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one’s own health.” The word “practice” is key, self care is a practice that must be set in place for it to actually work. You can not just go to the gym once and write that off as self-care. Setting up those healthy habits of things to do each day, making it a daily “practice” is what self-care is all about.

How to Practice Self Care

Let’s talk about some easy ways to start practicing self-care:

  • Get enough sleep! You need at least 7 hours of sleep per night, but doctors recommend getting 7-9 hours of sleep each night.
  • Maintain a Healthy Diet. Cut back on the sugar and carbs (directing that at myself), and add more fruits and veggies into your everyday meals.
  • Drink A LOT of Water (3.7 liters a day to be exact). Not only is water important for staying hydrated, but it’s also great for your digestive system, skin, and hair!
  • Avoid Stress Triggers. This can include putting down your phone, closing your laptop, or turning off the TV; pretty much unplugging from social media. If a certain person, place, or activity spikes your stress levels, take a break from that too.
  • Exercise! You don’t have to be running a marathon, or jumping in the boxing ring. Simple stretches, yoga, taking a walk or riding your bike, work just as well.
  • Develop a Hobby. Pick up the paintbrush and start painting, draw in a notepad, start writing in a journal, get into photography, basically do something creative. If creative outlets aren’t really your thing, start an IM sport. Join a kickball, soccer, dodge ball, basketball, or whatever sports team you want!
  • Allow Yourself to Relax.Everyone has a million things on their to-do list, but sometimes you have to allow yourself to binge a Netflix show or play your favorite video game.
  • Be Hygienic! When your body is clean and well-kept, you immediately feel better. Wash your face before you go to bed, brush your teeth morning and night, shower or take a bath, apply lotion, brush your hair, and keep your nails clean.
  • Get Social! Sometimes you just need a night out with friends or a coffee date with yourself.
  • Treat Yourself. Buy something you’ve been wanting (like an item from Dimepiece LA), go to that concert on Thursday night, eat the pint of ice cream. Whatever it is, you should treat yourself every now and then.
How to Practice Self Care

Decreasing Your Medical Needs

Self-care can also reduce the number of doctor's office visits you may otherwise make. In an article from “” researchers point out that patients can help to prevent their own illnesses and maybe even skip the doctor's office if they practice self-care. pulls from an academic study, stating “In 2002, a study found that self-care may reduce the use of health services and increase patient satisfaction.”

If individuals use the right resources to find out which self-care practices work best for them, they can make fewer trips to the doctor's office and improve their day-to-day health. Fewer trips to the doctor's office should serve as just another reason to practice self-care.

Self-care is Important, Period.

It is clear that taking care of oneself is important. You maintain a healthy relationship with yourself, you realize your self-worth. It is vital to stress management. It involves physical health, leading to a healthier you. You become more productive in your everyday life. When you’re giving yourself the gift of self-care, you have more to give to others.

So go forth with this information and build your own self-care routine. It is not always easy to break old habits, just to dive into something new. Build your routine day by day, it will make the process less stressful. Do a trial period, to decide which self-care practices work best for you. Once you have determined what steps you want to take towards a better you, start the practice. You will soon start to notice that you are living a happier, healthier lifestyle. So, practice, practice, practice that self-care routine!

Clarity Clinic

At Clarity Clinic, we have highly trained mental health professionals who specialize in therapy and psychiatry services. Call Clarity Clinic on (312) 815-9660 or schedule an appointment today to learn more about how we can support your mental health.

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