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Physical Clutter Equals Mind Clutter

December 6th, 2019

Clear clutter. Make space for you.

-Magdalena Vandenberg

Defining Your Comfort Level of Clutter

Everyone has different levels of organization and cleanliness. Not everyone feels like they have to keep things picked up and in order all of the time. On one hand, some people may be focused on keeping things clean and their home will be organized and in order.

Other people, on the other hand, may not have the same sort of inclination for cleanliness. Each of these types of people may feel the same about their home. They may claim to be comfortable and okay with their environment.

It is completely possible that both of these situations can be true. It is possible that those who are disorganized can still find comfort in their home despite a messy environment.

However, it is also possible that those who are “fine” (or claim to be fine) may be suffering from different complications from living in such an environment.

Organization, Cleanliness, and Order: What is it and Why is it Good?

Being organized and having order in one’s life can encapsulate a lot of different things. Organization can include putting things in their appropriate place and having a specific area for where one’s belongings go.

Typically, organization involves placing things together in groups and categorizing things and keeping those categories together. It can involve stacking and rearranging things to make them fit in a certain area and out of the way.

Organization typically helps lead to order. To have order in one’s place means they have things in places where they know where to find them. It means having things picked up and not scattered throughout the environment. Being organized and having order is possible in various environments.

For example, one can be organized in their home but not in their car. If one’s house is clean and all the belongings in the house are put away and organized, then they have order in their home. However, the same individual may have items scattered throughout their car, and their car may be full of filth.

This would mean their house is in order, but their car is not in order. Therefore, houses, vehicles, and offices are all areas that involve order, organization, and cleanliness (or the lack thereof). Items can also involve these factors as well.

For example, someone’s backpack can be organized and clean or it can be unorganized and dirty. A desk inside an office may be organized and in order, but the rest of the office may be scattered and in disarray.

Pile of messy clothes in closet. Untidy cluttered woman wardrobe.

Benefits of Staying Organized

Organization, order, and cleanliness have many benefits. One of these benefits is that it can be much easier to locate one’s belongings. I’m sure we have all been in the place where we are looking for an item – let’s say our keys. Frantically searching all over our home for our keys can be nerve wracking and stressful, especially when we are running late for something.

If one’s house is organized, theoretically it will be easier to find one’s missing keys. And, if one keeps things in order, it is much more likely that they will not lose their keys in the first place.

In essence, not losing things or being able to find things easier is a benefit from organization. Keeping an organized schedule can help keep one on track and make sure that they are not missing appointments, meetings, or events.

Keeping a clean house can also help prevent illness that can be acquired through germs and filth in an unorganized and dirty home.

How Clutter Can Clutter Your Mind

Now that we have an understanding of the benefits of organization, order, and cleanliness, it is time to turn attention to the downfalls of disorganization and disorder. Disorganization in the home often leads to clutter taking over. This is true in any environment (car, office, garage) and can have an impact on one’s life.

Clutter can cause stress or lead to increased stress. This stress has the power to cause physical and mental illness. Stress can clutter the mind and make it hard to focus and concentrate.

Being disorganized and dirty can also cause illness by an accumulation of filth and germs. Being sick can make it hard to think and can make it very hard to be productive.

Having a disorganized and cluttered home can make it unpleasant to be at one’s home. This is unhealthy as one’s home should be treated as a safe place where one can relax and enjoy themselves.


A cluttered environment can directly oppose this relaxation and enjoyment. Clutter from disorganization and a lack of order can also make it hard (if not impossible) to find things, which can lead to more stress and frustration.

The Benefits Outweigh the Drawbacks

Altogether, it is a good idea to keep one’s environment as clean and organized as possible. Some people are more organized and prefer more order than others, but nevertheless, it is a quality that all people should try to achieve at least somewhat.

There are a number of benefits from being organized and clean and there are a number of drawbacks and downfalls from being disorganized and allowing clutter to build. Attempting to keep things picked up and in order around one’s home can go a long way in improving one’s well-being!


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