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Taking Risks Wisely

April 26th, 2020


“The biggest risk is not taking any risk.” - Mark Zuckerberg

Jenga falling over with a risky move

Our Daily Choices Are Our Daily Risks

Life is full of choices that we can make. Some choices that we make are easier than others, while some choices we have can be extremely difficult. Whether we realize it or not, the decisions we make involve taking risks. Often times, the decisions we make involve extremely low risks so that we do not even realize there is risk involved.

For example, deciding to pass someone on an empty highway may seem like there is no risk involved. However, if the person we pass decides to speed up without us knowing, or cuts us off, we could wreck (thus exposing ourselves to danger). Thus, even this mundane decision involves taking a risk. This blog post will lay out risks in life, what they are and how taking risks can be both good and bad. We will also discuss how to navigate taking risks in life.

What is a Risk?

We may have heard of a risk, but we may not understand exactly what a risk is. A risk is taking a chance or engaging in something that may have a positive or a negative consequence or result. As previously stated, there are risks in virtually all decisions we make, although some of the risks are so low, or the negative consequences are so minute that the decision is often not considered a risk at all.

Regardless, in just about all of the decisions we make – there is some sort of risk involved – despite how small that risk is. It can be extremely beneficial to consider the risk involved in making decisions to caution one to consider the best possible decision to be made. Because risk involves the connotation of failure, or negative consequence, it can be viewed in a negative light. This does not need to be the case, though, as risks can have benefits as well.

Benefits from Risks

Most successful people have gotten to their place of success by taking risks. You may have heard the phrase “no risk, no reward”. This old adage comes from the fact that if one does not put themselves out there and try things – knowing that failure and negative consequence is a possible outcome – that new things cannot be accomplished.

It is by taking the chance that one can see benefit in whatever they are trying to do. If one sits idly by without trying something new or taking a chance on something that is unknown, then no progress can be made, and the benefits cannot be redeemed.

Life is about taking chances, acknowledging the risk is there, and making a wise, educated decision on when to take the risk or not to take the risk. Because, while risk can bring reward, it can also have negative consequences as well.

Two people taking risks skydiving

Negative Consequences from Risks

Many people associate risks with negative consequences or bad things occurring as a result of the risk. The possibility of a negative outcome from a risk is exactly what makes a decision involves a risk in the first place. If there was no chance of a negative outcome, then decisions would not be risky as a result.

However, there is almost always a negative outcome that can occur from virtually any decision. Pointing this out is not meant to scare or intimidate anyone from making decisions, but instead, it is meant to inform people of the possibilities. The most danger from making decisions is often when people are unaware – or choose to ignore – the risks involved in the potential decisions that can be made.

Therefore, it is crucial that one considers their options and weighs the consequences of each option before making a decision. It is not wise to go into making a decision ignoring that there is a risk associated with the decision one is about to make.

How to Deal with Risks

Since risks are involved in almost every decision we make, no matter how small or large, it is important to have a game plan on how to deal with these risks. To begin, it is important to have an awareness of the risks involved in one’s decision. Weighing out the choices that one has and thinking ahead to what the outcomes may be goes a long way in anticipating risks and making a well-educated decision.

Finding a balance with risks is important as well. It is not recommended to predominantly make decisions where the risks outweigh the benefits involved. It is a good idea to make a pros and cons chart where the decisions are weighed out and the benefits and risks are considered.

Conclusion: Take Risks Wisely

It is clear that risks are a part of the human experience. The choices that we make involve risks and could lead to positive or negative outcomes. Sometimes, the risks we take can pay off and involve great reward. Other times, the risks we take can backfire and lead to a negative result.

The important thing in taking risks is to be well informed and thought out. Having a plan and considering the results of the plan is wise and recommended when it comes to making decisions. Do not be afraid of risks, as risks can lead to change for the better and improvement in one’s circumstance. However, do not take risks blindly as they can involve negative outcomes that can be potentially detrimental to one’s health, well-being, and status.

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